Previous Performances

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Recent Performances:

10th October 2024 – Mandla Mandela says NO to Apartheid

The Sheffield Coalition Against Israeli Apartheid was excited at the prospect of welcoming Mandla Mandela, South African tribal chief and grandson of Nelson Mandela, for the first night of his UK speaking tour in solidarity with the people of Palestine. Sheffield Socialist Choir felt honoured to join forces with two other choirs, Tadhamon Singers and SOSA Xa! to start the evening off with a couple of songs. However, on the very morning of the event the news came through that Mandla had been refused entry to the UK by British officials and could not attend in person, but by means of some lightning fast technical wizardry the meeting was able to go ahead with Mandla appearing via a zoom link.

The large hall at SADACCA (Sheffield and District African Caribbean Community Association) was packed to capacity with a very diverse audience keen to hear Mandla speak. Like his grandfather Nelson Mandela, he has long been vocal in his support for Palestine, and the South African government has taken a leading role in the international condemnation of the Israel’s genocidal assault on Gaza. Mandla spoke passionately and knowledgably, emphasising South Africa’s commitment to the Palestinian cause, particularly in the light of its own history of apartheid. 

Our first song, ‘Siyabonga South Africa’, was written by Penny Stone to thank South Africa for its unwavering support of Palestine. Our second song ‘We will not be silenced’ by Ali Burns, felt doubly appropriate, given the triumph of holding this historic meeting despite the attempt of the British government to stop Mandla’s voice being heard. 

Thursday 24th February 2022 

Lantern Theatre 7.30 YES, YES UCS with Townsend Productions

Singing ‘Justice for Palestine’ with Tadhamon

29th November 2020 – International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People

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Sunday 29th September 2019


We joined our friends and fellow-activists from the Campaign Choirs Network to ‘unwelcome’ the Tory Party Conference

20th September 2019

CLIMATE STRIKE Sheffield City Hall

12th – 14th July 2019

Singing to support the youth climate strike.

Street Choirs Festival, Manchester

Performance of Asylum written and arraigned by Janet Wood at
Street Choirs Festival Northern College of Music, Manchester

Friday 5th July 2019

Mesothelioma Day of Action, Sheffield

Saturday 15th June 2019

Orgreave Truth and Justice Campaign Rally

2019 – May Day Rallies

Saturday 4th May – Sheffield’s first May Day rally for over 30 years

Monday 6th May – Chesterfield May Day Rally

2018 – our 30th Anniversary Year!

We add performances as we complete them  as we want you to know about our most recent activities, so this list appears in reverse order, starting with December 2018 and working our way back to January 2018!

Saturday 1st December 2018

Members of the choir sang in Shirebrook, Derbyshire to support  Unite’s campaign against Universal Credit


Saturday November 24th 2018 30th Anniversary Concert

30 years of Singing for a Fairer World – Celebratory Concert at The Hubs

featuring Sheffield Socialist Choir, The Fates and Sinsontes

We had a right good time singing songs old and new with friends old and new. As is traditional the singing carried on after the concert in the bar !

With ticket sales and donations from this event and the two Give it a Go Workshops held in November we raised £274.63 for the Choir Hardship Fund and £780.43 for the City of Sanctuary. The Choir Hardship Fund supports those who could not otherwise afford to attend rehearsals and events. City of Sanctuary supports Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Sheffield.

So all together we raised £1055.06 for good causes – thanks to all those who bought tickets and donated on the night!

Saturday 6th October 2018

Songs for ChilyPEPa 30th Anniversary event

This concert featured Caritas Harmony Choir with Sheffield Socialist Choir in support.

It raised money for the local Children’s and Young. People’s Empowerment Project,  ChilyPEP

Thursday 4 October and Thursday 11 October

Give it a Go Workshops at the Hub30th Anniversary Events

We ran two free open workshops to teach anyone attending some street songs related to current campaigns. We hoped to recruit new members and encourage people to attend our November concert. Donations collected on the evening were given to City of Sanctuary

Monday October 1 2018

We were interviewed on Radio Sheffield and sang a couple of songs for broadcast later

August 4th Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day

Some choir members sang in the Peace Gardens  with Sheffield’s pop up Peace Choir to mark Hiroshima and Nagasaki Day.

Saturday July 14th

Choir Summer Party – a 30th Anniversary event

We held a lovely celebration and singsong for the Choir’s 30th Anniversary in a choir members garden. Rarely has the Internationale been performed so well from a trampoline.

Friday July 13th

Donald Trump Not Welcome Here

The choir provided songsheets and co-ordinated some singing at the rally against Donald Trump

Friday 6th July

Mesothelimia Society Memorial Event  Sheffield Cathedrail

The choir sang in support of the Mesothelimia Society and it’s campaign for financial and other support for those who have contracted this disease particularly at their place of work.

Friday 29 June – 1 July 

Street Choirs Festival , Brighton

Along with many other choirs, we busked around Brighton, performed in the Dome, learned and shared new songs and sang with hundreds of others in a massed choirs performance with an estimated 900 singers on the seafront!

Thursday 10 May

Support to the Millions Missing Campaign

We recorded I Stand with You to be circulated world wide on an international day of action  in support of #MillionsMissing,  the global campaign for ME health equality

Monday 7 May

Chesterfield May Day Rally

We sang the Internationale ,the Red Flag and the Anti Fracking song from the platform and performed a short set of campaign based songs in the Market Hall.

Saturday April 28th 

Singing for Change Workshop at Weston Park Museum – a 30th anniversary event

We organised a workshop at Weston Park Museum to complement their Changing Lives exhibition . This exhibition celebrated Sheffield’s radical history and coincided with the 100th anniversary of universal suffrage being granted in 1918. Janet Wood, our Musical Director, taught a range of songs suitable for street singing to reinforce current local campaigns and to celebrate Sheffield’s radical history as illustrated in the exhibition. Some  like Orgreave and Let’s Hear it for the trees were Janet’s own creations, some like Citizens of the World (Commoners Choir) came from other choirs.The workshop was attended by more than 60 people and was a great way to kick off our 30th Anniversary Year. We were able to support five asylum seekers to attend this event from the Choir’s Hardship Fund.

January – June

Choir memorabilia and banners were on display as part of the ChangingLives exhibition organised by Sheffield Museums to mark the 100th anniversary of universal suffrage being granted.


December – May Day Film Released by Platform Films including music from various Sheffield Socialist Choir CDs.  Have a look here!

Thursday 14th December

We held a seasonal social and signed cards and wrote letters to political prisoners from around the world as part of Amnesty International’s Write for Rights campaign.

Saturday 2nd December

We sang with Unite Community in Chesterfield to highlight the issues with the roll-out of Universal Credit.

Saturday 14th October

We supported the Sheffield Friends of the Earth Rally in Barkers Pool

To find out more:

Wednesday 18th October

The Appeal Launch of the Khuza’a Gaza Trauma Centre, 7 pm Sheffield Town Hall – First Floor

To find out more:

Sunday 1st October – Tory Party Conference demonstration

Some of our members joined the People’s Assembly Demonstration at the Tory Party Conference in Manchester.  We sang with other choirs from the Campaign Choirs Network.  See more here

Saturday 8th July – National Coal Mining Museum – Further Information here

National Mining Museum

Wednesday 14th June  

DocFest Picnic, part of the Great Get-together in Memory of Jo Cox MP

Friday 23rd – Sunday 25th June

Street Choirs Festival 2017 Kendal.

Sheffield Socialist Choir took part in this annual festival which includes busking, massed sing and workshops in venues throughout the town.

Further information here

2017 - Kendal Busking 1

6th May 

Sheffield Millennium Galleries – ProtestLab

Continuing Sheffield's proud history of activism
Continuing Sheffield’s proud history of protest and activism

1st May

Chesterfield TUC May Day Rally

Performing Fat Cat by Helen Yeomans

8th March

Singing for Sheffield Palestine Women’s Scholarship Fund to celebrate  International Women’s Day.

10th – 12th March

A Weekend of Political Song, hosted by Strawberry Thieves Choir in London

17 - 04 - 10 Weekend of political song


Thursday 15th December – Singing in support of Health Poverty Action at Sheffield Station

June 24 – June 26 Street Choirs Festival, Leicester

Along with more than 30 other community and political choirs we were in Leicester for the annual Street Choirs Festival, busking around the city and performing in a concert.

More details on the Festival’s website: Street Choirs Festival 2016 Leicester

June 2nd  Some members of the choir sang at the Poetry Army  performance in The Crucible

May 2nd  Chesterfield May Day Celebrations

May 1st Barnsley May Day Celebrations

April  Singing on picket lines and demonstrations in support of Junior Doctors

More details and pictures to follow

See us in Action:

Singing in Cuba 2009