Sheffield Socialist Choir welcomes new members… You’ll receive a warm welcome from a sociable, friendly, committed group of people who love singing together and you’ll be able to:
– Help to develop a vibrant choir.
– Sing a variety of material, supporting the campaigns you care about.
– Be involved in choosing what to sing.
There are no auditions, and you don’t have to be able to read music. Some of us are members of political parties or campaigning organisations, some aren’t but we all share a collective vision about singing to help create a fairer society for everyone.
Members pay termly fees of £80, £65 or £35 – each choosing which they can afford. The money goes to pay our Musical Director, room rent, and administration costs, and so on. We also operate a participation fund for those who would like assistance with fees.
Come along and try a session. It is best to come along during the first three weeks of term (term dates here) when we are usually starting to learn new songs. Get in touch via Facebook, email or come along to see us sing and talk to us after the performance.
If you’d like to talk to someone about the choir, don’t forget to put your phone number in the email and one of us will be in touch as soon as possible.
Keep up to date with news about Sheffield Socialist Choir on Facebook